Friday, January 30, 2004

The Battle of Getting an Article Published … Notes from the Front

Might be worth reading...

The Battle of Getting an Article Published … Notes from the Front

2004: The Turning Point

Stephen Downes has some interesting predictions here - worth checking back at the end of the year. I really like his analogy of personalization, pointing out that we don't personalize with all clothing from the same manufacturer, so why would we personalize online with offers from one corporate entity?

2004: The Turning Point

Monday, January 26, 2004

OK, this does the trick, at least for NewzCrawler!


Friday, January 23, 2004

BLOGGER - Knowledge Base - What is Atom?

Hmmm, supposedly I can add an XML feed, which I think I've done, and NewzCrawler will be able to pick it up, which it doesn't seem to be able to do... :-/

BLOGGER - Knowledge Base - What is Atom?